Fire Resistant Clothing

Posted by Brian Taylor on

When you work in an environment that has risk factors due to electrical situations, gas, and potential fire threats, then you’ll want to make sure that you get the best FR clothing you can. At Ultimate Tool & Safety in Fort Worth, we take pride in offering superior products so that you have a safer and more effective day at work. Here’s the difference that our FR clothing can make and how you can get it today.

fire resistant clothing - fr clothing



FR Strength

When you think of FR clothing, you might just think that you need any product that is fire resistant. However, we know that you want fire resistant clothing that is strong and durable, and we take the time to work with the manufacturers that can make that happen. We’ve worked in the industries that utilize the strength of fire resistant clothing, so we know exactly what to look for in the latest products available, as well as the providers that have been making them for decades.

FR Longevity

We know that when you buy fire resistant clothing – it should last. It’s beyond clothing that is designed for appeal and fashion, but it’s built for FR protection and to be used as a tool that you use in your workday. You want to invest in fire retardant clothing that is built for longevity and designed with premium materials, and that’s exactly what we provide for you. We want you to be both comfortable and confident for your next project that requires a special set of skills and equipment.


Fire retardant clothing has a very serious purpose, and that’s keeping you safe when you work in an environment that has potential dangers. Our Fort Worth community of pole climbers, tower workers, lineman, and iron workers is important to us and we value the safety of our neighbors. That’s just one reason we put such a big emphasis on premium tools and equipment. We want you to be confident when on the job, and our quality selection of fire retardant clothing will take you to the next level of protection.


Our selection of fire resistant clothing utilizes the top designs by manufacturers that we’ve used and trust. We understand that the equipment is in an investment in your business and safety, and we strive to find the most reliable choices that add value and efficiency to your day. Take the time to look at our options that will offer in FR protection today.

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